The Kingdom of God: Heavenly Commonwealth
In the summer of 2019, after watching all the movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe catalog - the Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Spiderman, etc - Corey and I attended the long awaited Avengers movie called The Endgame. Seeing that movie with my son stands as one of my fondest memories of fatherhood. Corey calls it a core memory of his childhood. He got that idea of a core memory from another movie, Inside Out. We love movies! The Endgame was one of those movies where the whole crowd stands at the end and cheers. We stood too, laughed, even cried. It's a precious memory, a core memory, that we both cherish. For Christianity, it has its own version of the Endgame. The kingdom of God fully actualized on earth, that is the endgame. That’s what Jesus’ return, his second coming, will bring about. Jesus will return and usher in the kingdom of God, making it a present reality here, a reality that will last an eternity. Jesus’s return. What do I think about this? While many folks believe ...